Hunger and Fury: The Crisis of Democracy in the Balkans (2018) |
The Bosniaks: Nationhood after Genocide (2023) |
Bošnjaci – nacija nakon genocida (2024) |
From Hurst Publishers: "Less than two decades after the Yugoslav Wars ended, the edifice of parliamentary government in the Western Balkans is crumbling. This collapse sets into sharp relief the unreformed authoritarian tendencies of the region’s entrenched elites, many of whom have held power since the early 1990s, and the hollowness of the West’s ‘democratisation’ agenda. There is a widely held assumption that institutional collapse will precipitate a new bout of ethnic conflict, but Mujanović argues instead that the Balkans are on the cusp of a historic socio-political transformation. Drawing on a wide variety of sources, with a unique focus on local activist accounts, he argues that a period of genuine democratic transition is finally dawning, led by grassroots social movements, from Zagreb to Skopje. Rather than pursuing ethnic strife, these new Balkan revolutionaries are confronting the ‘ethnic entrepreneurs’ cemented in power by the West in its efforts to stabilise the region since the mid-1990s. This compellingly argued book harnesses the explanatory power of the striking graffiti scrawled on the walls of the ransacked Bosnian presidency during violent anti-government protests in 2014: ‘if you sow hunger, you will reap fury’." Now available from Hurst Publishers and Oxford University Press. |
From Hurst Publishers: "For the first time in nearly two centuries, one ethnic group now constitutes an absolute majority of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s population: the Bosniaks. It is an unlikely development given that, scarcely thirty years ago, they were targeted for extermination and expulsion by Serbia’s Slobodan Milošević. Even as the Bosniak community fought to survive these atrocities, it simultaneously came under attack from militants led by Croatian president Franjo Tuđman, who attempted to partition Bosnia and Herzegovina between Zagreb and Belgrade. Improbably, the Bosniaks and the Bosnian state survived these campaigns. But the country’s fractious sectarian post-war order has produced the world’s most convoluted constitutional regime, always teetering on the brink of collapse. Jasmin Mujanović illuminates the sources of contemporary Bosniak political identity, tracing the evolution of a religious community into a secular nation, and shedding light on the future of a nation at a crossroads. He explores the idea of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a ‘national homeland’, considers how narratives of genocide influence self-identity, and probes how demographic changes are putting pressure on the country’s political framework. The fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s peace and democracy rests on the Bosniaks’ shoulders—and with it, the stability of all Southeastern Europe." Now available from Hurst Publishers and Oxford University Press. |
Preuzeto od IK Vrijeme: "Knjiga Bošnjaci – nacija nakon genocida iscrpan je i uputan pregled historijskog razvoja i političkog trajanja bošnjačke nacije na “povijesnim bosanskim zemljama”. Autor, bosansko-američki politolog, dokazuje da je povijesna, kulturna, politička i fizička vezanost za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, kao jedinu domovinu, temeljna odrednica bošnjačke nacije i da nije islam ta srž bošnjačkog nacionalnog identiteta. Pamteći višestoljetno iskustvo bosanske političko-državne samosvojnosti, živo se sjećajući Genocida 1995, ali i prošlih epizoda preživljenog nasilja, Bošnjaci svoj opstanak vide u samostalnoj, suverenoj i racionalno uređenoj Bosni i Hercegovini. Premda u samoj domovini jesu većina, u regiji su ipak ranjiva manjina te se otuda bošnjačka nacionalna politika (nužno) ne bori za Bosnu i Hercegovinu kao bošnjačku nacionalnu državu nego je teži urediti prema standardima zapadnih liberalnih demokratija. Samo tako uređena Bosna i Hercegovina – u kojoj većina ne tlači, ali i nije potlačena – donosi i regionalni mir i blagostanje svih građana i građanki. Opisavši povijesni put, političke silnice i naslijeđe Genocida nad Bošnjacima, Mujanović u konačnici nudi konkretna i izvodljiva politička rješenja – ustavotvornu skupštinu građana za novu Bosnu i Hercegovinu." Narudžbe dostupne putem web stranice IK Vrijeme. |